Friday, July 27, 2007

On 57.
Zaraki's fight with the foxy guy who had a bucket over his head ended when foxy (Komomura?) ran off to see why the 13 Squads Commander General had released his zanpakto. The ComGen is fighting captains Ukitake and Kyouryaku because they destroyed the execution zanpakto after Ichigo stopped it.
Our side: Captains Zaraki of 11th, Ukitake of 13th, Kyouryaku of I forget, and possibly Unohana of 4th. Yoruichi, former Commander of the Secret Mobile Squad. Hantorou, who's some sort of officer in the 4th. Shiba Kukaaku and Jidanbou the gatekeeper. Sui Fong? She's the present Commander of the Secret Mobile Squad. She used to adore Yoruichi, but when Yoruichi left without her, she felt betrayed. I think she may come over, if Yoruichi ever gets around to apologizing and explaining. Also Abarai Renji.
Ichigo is fighting Captain Kuchiki, and Ikkaku is fighting one of those lieutenants over who has to go buy more sake, with Janken for the advantage in ground. Pretty Boy beat the other one with his shikai, which eats the opponent's reiatsu. "Don't tell Ikkaku or the Captain. I don't want them to hate me." Apparently, in 11th Squad, reiatsu-related shikai are for sissies.

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