Saturday, September 15, 2007

I'm at B's right now with Peter and Owen. Doug wormed out of it. B isn't very happy about us moving, and it doesn't help that Mom found out that she's been tearing Dad down to us--Owen and me. Peter and Doug aren't very satisfactory audiences. Anyway, it very nearly started a war, and we didn't come yesterday because B was sulking. So we got lots of computer time, especially Doug and me, 'cause Pete an' Ownie went to town with Mom. Mom's gonna come get us at 8:45 or thereabouts. You would not believe how slow OneManga is on B's computer. It kinda looks like Tohru is going to end up with Kyou, but we'll see. I'd kinda prefer Yuki. 57 more chapters, I think. Man, it's scary how different Momiji looks after his growth spurt. He is actually positively identifiable as a guy now. Nice change....

There's a trailer running on the Disney Channel for a movie called Sydney White. It looks like a high school retelling of Snow White, and it occurred to me: waking her up with a kiss is a waste of a first kiss. Not having seen the movie, I don't know whether it actually is the first kiss, but the question still arises.


ploden said...

And what would you know about first kisses?

Anna said...

As far as experience goes, absolutely nothing. I still think it's a waste.