Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wheeeee! Robin's joined the crew! Vivi is in Arabasta now, for good. Episode 128 has a really good ending, which doesn't occur anywhere else: Family, sung by the Straw Hats--the voice actors for the pirates. Very cool! Radioblog does not, alas, have it. Anyway, we've reached Ruruka Island, and Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp are in Ape Concert. What's interesting is that we seem to have seen the Pumpkin Pirate kids before--as Marines pursuing the Straw Hats. Marines as old as Henzo is, and they ought to be.

Tomorrow we go to town. We'll have to go to B's first, for two reasons. The first is that Peter and Owen are spending the night there, and we have to pick them up. The second is that the water heater is shot, and since Dad's gone to Montana to work we'll have to pay someone to install a new one as well as buy the heater in the first place. This means that we're heating water on the stove for dishes and baths, and showers are impossible. Thus we have to go to B's to shower. Good thing tonight is Mom's last class before summer vacation. Then no more teaching until July.

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