Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I kept ice on the sting, and it didn't swell much. Now there's just a little red mark on my neck. I went for a walk again, blowing off steam after math, and the insect showed up again. I didn't give it a chance to land. Oh, yeah, and I saw Mr. Buhr when I went past, and he says I sound like Mom. I don't know what he based this on. For one thing, before he said that, all I'd said was "Hi." Maybe I sound more like Mom than I sound like he remembers me sounding.
I'm reading short story anthologies by Mercedes Lackey. Werehunter had some good ones, including the title story. Right now I'm on Fiddler Fair. Still haven't gotten to the title story.
Mom's got Doug and me reading Plutarch's Lives for school and summarizing what we read. Today we finished Lycurgus, and tomorrow is Numa Pompilius.


ploden said...

Does math cause you to build up a head of steam?

Anna said...
