Friday, August 10, 2007

So, yeah we went to town today. Shopped, and then Mom took us to the library, where we were supposed to stay while she went to her meeting at SCC. But Dad freaked out about us spending two hours or so at the library sans parental supervision, so he drove all the way to town with Doug and got us. Boy, was I mad. I haven't been to the library since before I went to Colorado. But then he took us all to Zesto for ice cream cones, which we really can't afford, but it was nice. Owen got ice cream all over his shirt, and since he got chocolate it showed up really well. And then Mom stopped at the library before coming home and got me a trilogy by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, and Kaleidoscope by Dorothy Gilman. It's the first of two about Madame Karitska, who, I believe, is clairvoyant or psychic or whatever. If it weren't Gilman I wouldn't read it. I forget what the title of the trilogy is, but it's Valdemar before its founding, and the titles are The Black Gryphon, The White Gryphon, and The Silver Gryphon.

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