Friday, April 25, 2008

Today was rainy. It was also Arbor Day, so Dad stayed home. Mom and I went to town. The library was closed, but we went to B&N for Shojo Beat. This ish had a short story instead of a preview, and it was from Hana-Kimi, and precisely calculated to make me happy, because I've wished before now for H-K from Kayashima's POV. Thank you! So fun! I also found both volumes of Don't Call Us Angels, the prequel to Hands Off!!, on the shelves. The omakes are especially cute, containing the reactions of the characters of Hands Off!! to the history of Udou and Kiba. Poor little Kota. Tatsuki, of course, was cool, unruffled, and superior about the whole thing. On the other hand, he had some warning, because in a Hands Off!! omake he once saw a little of their high school experiences. We didn't learn anything from it, though, because he just made a sort of barfing noise--that's how Yuuto described it, anyway--and didn't say a word. Anyway, I bought both volumes to complete my collection, since I already own all eight vols of Hands Off!!. Ten, now. Also because nobody's scanlated it.
We also saw The Adventures of Johnny Bunko. I read a little, standing there. Can I read your copy when we come for graduation, Niisan? 'S funny. The Naruto poster, in his actual office--heh!

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