Monday, May 14, 2007

So now I'm watching One Piece on, where queenoftea has uploaded a couple hundred episodes. Our computer, being a clunky ancient commonly referred to as Battleaxe, is taking an excruciatingly long time to load. I keep having to start all over again with episode four: I get half-way through, or further, and then it freezes or something. Episodes five and six are waiting in the tabs, fully loaded, but I have to struggle through four first. Gah. Nothing like waiting for vids to load for making progress in the Snarchives.

Outside, Doug and I managed to get two of the ewes sheared. Honey is a real pain to hold, but, once you catch her, Rip is fairly easy. She resigns herself. They both look crazy, since last year was our first time and Doug only did one, because the College Brother was home for a bit and helped out (translation: sheared three large sheep while we held them down). Our shearing methods are pathetic. It takes two people half an hour, at least, to get one sheep half done, and the victim is very patchy. Pathetic.

Anyway. Ep Four is nearly halfway loaded. I'm more than three-fourths of the way through, so it's gonna be awhile. Feh.

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