Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Starting Out

Okay. I have to say that if I could have a Blogger account without writing a blog, I would. I started this mainly so I could post to other blogs, like that of Miss Snark, the queen of literary agents and an absolute laugh riot. But, having started it, I will try to keep it going, probably with news about my animals and what I'm reading. Presently I'm rereading Tamora Pierce's Daughter of the Lioness duet. I was going to get the Immortals quartet, but the library didn't have the third one, so I got these two instead. Mom convinced me to check out Redwall as well; I liked it, but I'm not certain about reading the rest of the series. If I was ten instead of thirteen, there would be no question whatever. Mom also got Josephine Tey's Brat Farrar for me. I was doubtful, but only until I opened the book. Very good. Oops, gotta go.

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