Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So Dad's trying to start a handyman business. Gonna cost, but there'll be less initial overhead than there was for the corn stoves. And this time he'll try to have a job in the meantime, thank goodness.

Sanji and Sogeking got owned on Puffing Tom, and now they're back on Rocketman. Luffy is on Enies Lobby, having sat through the statement of the plan, looking serious and concentrated and nodding at the right moments AND EVIDENTLY NOT HEARING A WORD!!! And his crew is always surprised when this happens....

The crew has learned about what happened to Robin's home island of Ohara when she was eight years old, and why she's so terrified of the Buster Call.

Dad and Doug are getting the front room ready to paint. Got a new phone with an answering machine (finally!) for Dad's handyman thing. Working on the message right now. I think we're gonna write one out and have Doug read it; he has a good reading voice.

A couple of months ago Mom and I went to a library sale and she found some books from the very early 1900's--kid's books, stories about kids in various countries, written for the purpose of interesting the kids in geography. Anyway, I'm working on putting them on Ebay. It's a little more complicated than it should be, sionce we have to figure shipping costs, and we need to find the camera batteries before we can take pictures for the listing.

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