Thursday, July 26, 2007

Zaraki just beat Captain Tousen, the peace-loving one who's also blind. His Bankai creates a world where the only sense remaining is touch. Zaraki loved it. Know how he won? He let Tousen skewer him through the body and then grabbed his hand. Nuts. There was this funny bit where he was thinking of what various people in his squad would tell him.
Yachiru: "Use your intuition to attack!" "That's what I'm doing."
Ikkaku: "Isn't it that after all? See with your heart's eye." lol "I can't see with something like that!"
Pretty Boy: "If it was me? Yes, I would give up beautifully." "I don't know you."
And then he came up with his own solution, which no one would ever recommend to someone else. The closest I've ever seen was when Zoro and Sogeking were cuffed together during a fight. Zoro said they'd play Rock, Paper, Scissors and the loser cut his wrist off. Additionally, he'd run to Chopper to have it sewn back on, but still. But Zaraki's solution worked.

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