Saturday, June 13, 2009

Golden and a....Yorkie?

Well, Isaac called pretty early to ask if I could come play. I told him I had to go get groceries with Philip, but I'd come over when we got back. Grandma tells me he called again while we were gone, but when I got back he and Sid were on a bike ride. He came over as soon as they got home, and Lark and I headed over.

There wasn't a lot to do. We played checkers; in the end one of my three kings had cornered his last remaining king and he surrendered. I was rather relieved--in the beginning I had had to sacrifice several pieces just to keep the game going. After that we ended up watching cartoons again. Sigh. Then Sid got up from her nap, and Isaac and I went for a hike.

He wanted to take the way we went last time, but this time he was ready to turn back by the time we were at the dike, so we looped back there. We spent several minutes at the culvert there, as Isaac tortured snails and I got a drink. My backpack and Lark's water were laid out on the ground, and I was at the culvert with Isaac, when I heard Lark begins to growl. I looked around, and there was a Golden coming around to bend in the trail. The only reason Lark had to growl was my stuff, laid out with only her protection. She stopped when I came to her, as the Golden's owners followed him with, on a leash, what may have been a Yorkie. Maybe a cross between a Yorkie and a cat. Or a Yorkie with a short haircut, I suppose....

Isaac was consistently obnoxious all the way home, eventually deciding that the best way to get me out of my mature, boring attitude would be to steal my glasses. It worked. KILLCRUSHDESTROY.......ahem. So we went home, and once Mom got in we had dinner. Lark was delighted to see her, dancing in and out of the garage, whirling like an ex-ballerina dervish. The chicken salad was ready and the table was set by then, and we had Boonzaijer's desserts.

I went over to Sid's for the movie at seven-twenty-five. Isaac was just finishing up eating, and we got started pretty quickly. It started out pretty slowly, with Sid pausing to explain backstory as the characters laid it out in dialogue, in the best established manner. But then Jiao Long stole Li Mu Bai's sword, and it got going all right. The fights weren't bad, although I think they could have done a much better job of disguising the ropes for jumps and things. You can't actually see them, credit them with more skill than that, but the quality of the movements betray them. It's a pretty good movie, but I did not like the ending. If there are two couples, than I expect both of them to get a happy ending. Grr. 

Isaac and I enjoyed the movie, but Sid preferred the show afterwards. I grabbed Isaac as he was heading for bed, and it escalated from there. Sid took lots of pictures, consisting largely of me adjusting my hold to immobilize both his arms and his head, so that he can neither lick me nor lick his hands and then touch me. Blech. It was almost ten when he walked me home. The grass was wet with rain, and when Lark came back from walking him home she had to be toweled all over.

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