Sunday, June 7, 2009

Well, having been up rather too late, I just managed to be conscious and dressed by the time Phil got up. Isaac kindly larked about a bit with the dog while I was getting ready, so she'd had the edge taken off a tiny bit by the time I had to go over and get her. I also needed to thank Sid for helping Grandma with her last night, which I did. We were ready for church in time, but Philip dove into the car without even eating breakfast. We made it in time for the announcement that Pastor Reese et familia being in Cali, a guest pastor was taking over. He's from the Pennsylvania branch, and I think his name was Doug Somin. The subject of his sermon was, I think, "Taking Stock of your Witness." It was pretty good, I suppose. We stopped and talked to some people--Jackie, a nice woman who, I think, exaggerates her expressions a bit, and her son, Keith, who is majoring in Computer Science and considering attending a theological seminary in Pennsylvania. Jackie asked after Grandma until Keith took over to discuss classes with Phil. Philip says he's eighteen or nineteen, but somehow he seems younger. Nice boy, anyway.

We got home to make lunch about noon. Philip scrambled up the rice and leftover seafood (salmon and mako) with eggs, and I toasted bagels. It was pretty good. After that I read Warrior's Apprentice until I finished it, at which point I started getting my boots on.

We took the Heller trail along up to the houses, but at this point the weather betrayed us. It had been cool enough when we left that I tied a sweater around my waist, wondering whether it would rain. By the time we hit the houses the sun was out and the sky blue. Lark began to flag, and as I hadn't brought any water we headed back along the trail to the pond. She jumped in, splashing about in the cattails, and I was a bit relieved myself. It being Sunday, everyone had been out doing yard work. We met no one along the trail back. A nice cool breeze came up, and we enjoyed it from the top of a rise. I lifted Lark so she could get the full benefit, and we stood there until my arms got tired. The clouds came and went over the sun as we headed home, one minute so bright I needed my sunglasses, the next so dim I had to take them off. It was a nice change from glaring sun--or would have been, if we'd had a great deal of that lately.

I had a good solid nap before dinner, and then Philip woke me up with coke injections to come help with dinner. Lark assisted by thoroughly washing my face. I think he was experimenting with nonviolent de-napping techniques or something.

Oh, lovely. He's set Parental Controls so nobody can use the Jane account between ten pm and seven am. Well, I'd been thinking I should reread Lord of the Rings.


Anonymous said...

I... I'm sorry. But I couldn't stand by and watch you sink deeper and deeper into the downward spiral of substance abuse. Promises Malibu is booked solid for the summer, so this seemed like the best option.

Anna said...

Allow me to point out that the Internet is insubstantial.

Anna said...

Also, DIE.